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Showing posts from November 21, 2014

Mr. Feminist

“Please leave my clothes there; yes I know they stink!!” “Nooo, I will just soak them, you can wash them afterwards.” “No means no, I need a girlfriend, not a maid.” “If the GF wants you to have clean shirt and underwear, is that against your lofty principles?” “Look why are we arguing about it, you want me to be clean, let me do it, you don’t need to do this stuff.” “But why, you don’t want me to be a part of your life, why these distances honey?” “Ohh good GOD!!, where do these things come into your mind, from centuries we have been chastised that we have stereotyped women folk, and now when someone is taking a stand, it still affects you, this is bullshit” “It’s not bullshit; AND PLEASE mind your language, it’s just I would feel closer to you if you let me do the dishes after dinner or teach me cooking, or let me sweep the room after our romps” “Baby, I can hire a maid to do the cleaning and washing, I really don’t want you to do that.” “Oh r...